I am regularly disappointed to see so many faith-based institutions--churches/synagogues, education, hospitals--selling naming rights. All theistic religions teach that giving should be "giving without counting the cost (benefits)" and to give quietly and with humility. No wonder people increasingly mistrust faith-based institutions when it comes to moral authority. Seems a blatant disregard for preached values.

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to wit:

"‘Inner Net’ exhibits characteristics of Hive Mind. For example – termites are a society of creatures capable of building mounds that rival our tallest skyscrapers in relative scale. Fungi beneath the forest floor form an organic internet that precedes humankind. Bees communicate with plants in a survival symbiosis that we do not yet fully comprehend. These sentient beings create and flourish collectively within domains of interspecial synergy with an order and efficiency that make our atrocious political conflicts here at our self-authorized ‘top of the food chain’ appear ludicrous and primitive. They accomplish all this without technology or money. They operate unimpeded by negotiations about who does what for how much, and devoid of the vanity of who gets credit. This does not mean to portray our potential future as a matrix of mindless humatons. Rather, as evolved beings, our interests will best be served by developing (awakening?) similar sensitivities and channels of communication. As the new humanity, our current climate change crisis might be clearly acknowledged around the globe relatively spontaneously and inspire an appropriate, self-evident local response by each one of us. This is our evolution."


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From this chair, Stephen A. Schwartz's "8 Laws of Change" shall characterize the next paradigm - assuming we survive this one! - via transmutation of the affliction we all share, i.e. Wetiko, egocentricity, self-importance, or whatever moniker!


8 Laws:

1) The individuals, individually, and the group, collectively, must share a common intention.

2) The individuals and the group may have goals, but they may not have cherished outcomes.

3)The individuals in the group must accept that their goal may not be reached in their lifetimes, and be O.K. with that.

4) The individuals in the group must accept that they may not get either credit or acknowledgment for what they have done, and be authentically O.K. about this.

5) Each person in the group regardless of gender, religion, race, or culture must enjoy fundamental equality even as the various roles in the hierarchy of the effort are respected.

6) The individuals in the group must foreswear violence in word, act... or thought.

7) The individuals in the group must make their private selves consistent with their public postures.

8) The individuals in the group, and the group collectively, must always act from the “beingness” of integrity.

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I absolutely LOVE this post! Thank you, Soren...

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