Hi Soren, your post is lingering with me. Flexing as a form of isolation as a form of separation. That kept coming back to me. And yes it is sooo common in our culture.
Staying in connection even when someone is flexing me.. I've been experimenting with that. And boy, it's quite intense. First is to honor that a part of me is angry! Allow that energy to come through. Then to bring compassion to that part of me that is angry while not reacting and flexing back. Whoa all of this is intense and takes soooo much awareness.
And then I notice my own flexing at times to get some sort validation, some sort of praise.. which is wanting perhaps a misguided connection in a roundabout way.
Definitely feel my current moments have shown me your message loud and clear.
Thank you, Soren. Much appreciated self-reflection. In the push to be "enough," in this society, we often adorn ourselves with achievements, thinking we can be more wanted, loved, connected, but in reality, it only divides us when we "flex" or "jockey" for positioning. Wise words. Thank you.
Hi Soren, your post is lingering with me. Flexing as a form of isolation as a form of separation. That kept coming back to me. And yes it is sooo common in our culture.
Staying in connection even when someone is flexing me.. I've been experimenting with that. And boy, it's quite intense. First is to honor that a part of me is angry! Allow that energy to come through. Then to bring compassion to that part of me that is angry while not reacting and flexing back. Whoa all of this is intense and takes soooo much awareness.
And then I notice my own flexing at times to get some sort validation, some sort of praise.. which is wanting perhaps a misguided connection in a roundabout way.
Definitely feel my current moments have shown me your message loud and clear.
I’ve known you for 20 years now! Oh, wait. (Just a silly response to a great post. Thanks, Soren.)
Thank You 🙏 I felt more peaceful after reading your flexing sharing.
A big Exhale
Love & Light
Thank you, Soren. Much appreciated self-reflection. In the push to be "enough," in this society, we often adorn ourselves with achievements, thinking we can be more wanted, loved, connected, but in reality, it only divides us when we "flex" or "jockey" for positioning. Wise words. Thank you.
Your vulnerability is magnificent. You are quite the role model!