“Once artificial intelligence truly learns on its own no one knows how it will evolve.” ~Dave Waters
Dear Friends,
A few months ago Jack Kornfield and I had the pleasure of interviewing OpenAI CEO, Sam Altman.
Something became extremely clear to me both from our public interview and private conversation backstage: AI is here and coming FAST!
What I thought might be 20-30 years away is coming much, much sooner.
And I do not think we are ready.
From this, we decided to launch The Wisdom and AI Summit.
The tech leaders might be well-intentioned, but they need help (and fast) thinking through how this will impact the world.
The main question is not whether AI will change the world (it most certainly will!) … the real question is:
Will this new movement lead to a world of greater WISDOM and COMPASSION … or to a world of greater ADDICTION and ISOLATION?
Are the leaders of AI thinking about this?
To foster this conversation with members of the tech community and the general public, we are launching The Wisdom and AI Summit October 29th - 30th in San Francisco.
The event will bring together leaders in AI from MSFT, Anthropic, and OpenAI, along with researchers, wisdom teachers, activists, and others.
We will explore questions such as:
What are the possibilities in health care, awareness practices, and well-being that AI may be able to support?
How do we limit the potential harm AI may bring through fostering inaccurate news, addiction, and division in our culture?
If you are interested in being a part of the discussion with industry leaders on the future of AI, please join us. Learn more and apply below.
Also our next free community Zoom Session on AI is Wednesday the 19th at 4pm PDT (Sign up here)
We look forward to seeing you at one of these events!
"How do we limit the potential harm AI may bring through fostering inaccurate news, addiction, and division in our culture?"
"It was once a virtue for Americans to say, when asked about their politics, “None of your damn business.”
Nobody thinks that way anymore, either. Young people especially are worried to the point of mental illness about their likes and ratios. We not only want people to know what we think, we’re terrified of people not knowing what we think, lest we be suspected of harboring something unsavory underneath.
This is how it is for Americans trying to be themselves now. First they became addicted to the Internet as a tool of convenience. Then it became a cheap substitute for real-life interaction. Finally they learned to submit to the wisdom of crowds, which on the Internet, as we also found out, is really an artificial representation of a crowd, generated by political and social engineers from the FBI, DHS, the Pentagon, Meta, Google, and other bureaucracies. These groups are letting loose algorithms on that “Spirit of liberty” Justice Hand talked about. The results have not been good."
Anyone want to discuss this at the next 'fill in the blank' AI ummit?
"It was once a virtue for Americans to say, when asked about their politics, “None of your damn business.”
Nobody thinks that way anymore, either. Young people especially are worried to the point of mental illness about their likes and ratios. We not only want people to know what we think, we’re terrified of people not knowing what we think, lest we be suspected of harboring something unsavory underneath.
This is how it is for Americans trying to be themselves now. First they became addicted to the Internet as a tool of convenience. Then it became a cheap substitute for real-life interaction. Finally they learned to submit to the wisdom of crowds, which on the Internet, as we also found out, is really an artificial representation of a crowd, generated by political and social engineers from the FBI, DHS, the Pentagon, Meta, Google, and other bureaucracies. These groups are letting loose algorithms on that “Spirit of liberty” Justice Hand talked about. The results have not been good."