I am new to this community and appreciate both the awareness and the frameworks shared here. However, wisdom doesn't reside solely in the realm of reason. We're deeply invested in left-brain thinking, but what I feel is truly needed is experience—something that fuels passion and drives real change. Awareness isn't dependent on AI or intellectual knowledge alone.

I attended the Wisdom 2.0 conference for the first time this spring in San Francisco, and my experience was mixed. Many of the presenters were inspiring and shared valuable insights, and the community itself was warm, friendly, and filled with a special energy—a collective yearning for transformation. However, I noticed a common thread of anticipation, as if the audience expected a sudden, lightning-bolt revelation from the stage.

Having been part of the consciousness movement for over two decades, I’ve seen this pattern repeatedly—the illusion that change will come from an external source, some new piece of knowledge or insight. But real change is a practice, not a moment of inspiration. Waking up is an ongoing process, not something bound by logic or rationality.

It's a daily, even hourly, practice that fosters empathy, curiosity, positivity, and action. As Kabbalah teaches, "Say little, do much." Meditation before (re)action. In my work as a relationship and purpose coach, I use the Positive Intelligence method to activate the sage brain, and I support my clients in doing the same.

Workshops and lectures can be inspiring, but what truly matters is what happens in between—the quality of our lived experience and the daily sense of growth and transformation.

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, humans will one day cease to exist (no species lasts forever) but it only makes sense that we do everything we can to bring forth the Depth, Beauty, and Love possible in humanity while we can.

And maybe, just mane, AI in an invitation to do this.

What an idiotic thing to say!

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These elite that are creating AI that they tell us that are going to make most of us unemployed they still arrogantly continue creating them not caring that they are taking a basic human right away from us - the right to earn a living. And what is their arrogant answer to this problem?

One would think that they would fund the basic universal income given their current massive wealth and the wealth they will earn from creating AI but no they want to tax ordinary people who own property - people who will have also lost their jobs thanks to AI - is that actually fair?

No this just is a property grab tactic plain and simple. As they also tell us we will own nothing and be happy and this is part of how they will achieve it.

Really the people that are knowingly creating all the unemployment through creating AI should be the only ones to fund the basic universal income, simple.

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I saw the Sam Altman interview, and I felt calm and confident and curious.

He brought “it.” And he is the man for this moment. I’ll continue when I rewatch him.

I understand why I found comfort in Gates coming out of his perch to settle Altman’s temporary ouster.

It had to be done.✅

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