Having lived with my father who was a sociopath, I agree that there is much to learn. But I would say that we have to be careful when attributing a conscience where there is none. Maybe the lesson is to wake up to the charisma of a sociopath and create clear boundaries to limit the devastation of such a person.

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Some great leaders were sociopaths!

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When sociopaths are cornered in their lies with no seemingly way out they take down everyone with them. Maybe those great leaders you talk about like Genghis Khan, Caesar etc. reigned when there was no such thing as weapons of mass destruction. We live in an increasingly complex world that requires an enhanced level of awareness - spiritual, moral, interpersonal, emotional and intellectual. Sociopaths are focused on only one thing - themselves and the game of making life thrilling by using their power to manipulate. Do we really want to go back in time?

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your point is lost on reality. sociopaths belong under a rock. away from crowds.

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I'm extremely sorry you have taken the Trump-derangement-syndrome pill. The view expressed by the mainstream media is essentially that. Look back at Trump's pre-covid Presidential record: it's all wins for us. Look at the "Biden" record: everything you now see. Trump is the figurehead for the plan to save the USA and the world. Please get your information elsewhere. Start with We are One documentaries perhaps. Or a series called Communism through the Back Door. The facts should be plain: this administration is destroying our country. See the documentary "10,000 Mules" for just one bit of PROOF about the stolen 2020 election. Everyone needs to wake up!!! It's the 11:59th hour.

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Trump is not divisive. he is a delusional narcissistic tragedy. he appeals to billionaires and idiots. check your bank account and see where you fit. sorry but this is crazy, trying to rationalize any support for this dangerous loser.

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Everyone is a teacher, everyone is a student. When we forget either truth, we fall victim to our own self-centeredness.

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om mani padme MAGA. Trump is not a student OR a teacher, except in his own mind.

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Free Palestine 🍉

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Ok Soren. That’s me unsubscribing.

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I hope that people look past the person and the politics to see the core of the wisdom you are sharing 🙏

Everyone and everything is a teacher.

Because YOU are the teacher.

No matter what form it takes, we can find wisdom in any situation. There is always something to be learned 💙

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We all want to put ourselves first, he knows how to do it for todays America too, let him think he is American, no1 , if he helps as he did before for four years!

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MAGA cult strikes again.

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This commentary is walking a fine line and I have been struggling with the concept of the Buddha Nature in the context of Trump and others like him throughout history. Certainly we learn vital lessons from their destructive behaviors and ideologies better than dismissing them or ignoring them with our heads buried in sand. But can we truly give them benevolent credit for those lessons? I want to believe that human beings have the innate ability to create our perfect world without those lessons.

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How do we know what is “perfect” or what is the “ideal”, how about resilience and tolerance and tolerate the present imperfect for the benefit of others.

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are you 'SOREN'? or just a MAGA cult stalker?

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Astute commentary, Soren!

Thank you!

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