Thank you for going with your heart Soren and having the courage to keep writing and connecting despite people insisting you take sides or demonise and generalise. You give others a safe space to connect, grieve, love, hope.... There is moral outrage out there at the moment and it's loud and scary and sometimes ignorant. It's this pack mentality that I find very frightening. I feel it viscerally, like a reverberation of the hate and despair energy spreading out from the actual event which just creates more pain and suffering with innocent people getting killed in racist attacks. It is this that scares me the most. "Your side" feels like the place that will do the least harm and the most good. I sit in the beauty and peace of a world away in New Zealand and wonder if I even have a right to feel or comment on anything sometimes. Jo

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I don’t know why I’m feeling like this, but for the first time in my life I’m not interested in taking sides. Always I have had very strong political opinions and could only see where blame lay, but for the first time….and it feels righteous. I am grieving for both sides instead of adding my wrath to the mix and it feels purposeful. There is peace in my heart and though it is broken it feels strong♥️

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Your comment really resonates with me Sharon: " I am grieving for both sides instead of adding my wrath to the mix and it feels purposeful. There is peace in my heart and though it is broken it feels strong♥️" Jo 🙏

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Beautiful thoughtful peace, radiating love and compassion. I’m from Ireland where we have all suffered enough. I pray that we can appreciate our common humanity.

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This maybe out of place, but I start to believe the main reason people are divided are governments. It feels to me that the power structures (religious or governmental) do not care about people, at all. Collateral damages are calculated like interest points. So utterly sad.

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I appreciate the way in which you have spoken from your heart about this horrible devastation we are witnessing and experiencing. I do not believe it is best say nothing and that you should less. I find silence at these times terrible. I need to find language and actually to engage in these "difficult and delicate" discussions.

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I assume everybody would do those statements... but looking at the streets of big cities all over the world, there is much demonstrations + conflict with many double standards on the table ... Like during Corona and Ukraine Narrative, we are now at the edge of Religion Narratives... And there are very big Questions about Israel and Gaza where important facts are not out in the public... But at this point everybody stops and is going along with the present Narrative... So I am doubting the Wisdom and Wisdom 2.0 AI Conference, sounds like expert talking with some Mindfulness and not a fundamental event. It looks like nobody is seeing or adressing deeper conflicts - hiding the fact that Silicon Valley Clubmembers also using Wisdom 2.0 as a TrojanHorse for Surveillance, like Bill Gates and UN using everything and everybody for their Agenda, and you guys do not mention anything about it? How many Techno-Companies are tied to WEF? Some are on Wisdom Panel... AI is already in wrong Hands and you do not know? Where are discussions about AI-Surveillance, AI-Robotics as Weapons or Carbon Footprint Slavery, all managed by AI?,

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So eloquently put. Thank you for sharing and holding space. I agree with your sentiments 100% .

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I took part in your zoom meditation for peace. At the time you questioned whether you would continue to run more meditations - please do so. Your guided meditation and the opportunity to connect with others was powerful. Thank you so much for speaking on behalf of peace ☮️

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Dear Soren, thank you for your wonderful words and continued work to make this world a better more peaceful place to live in. You speak from my heart 💜. Please please continue to nuture us all with your heartful thoughts …

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Thank you Soren, I agree even with the certitude of upsetting someone by saying anything, I did the same and posted my thoughts here https://www.loiclemeur.com/p/i-have-only-one-nation-and-one-religion#details They are similar to yours in a way, I also suggest that nations and religions are the root cause, as Krishnamurti or Osho said many years ago and I agree. Thank you for expressing your views which I fully agree on and I am always happy to join forces with you and Wisdom2 whenever I can. I hope we do more together in the future. Much love and see you soon.

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It's wonderful to read that you decided to have regular meetings! The first meeting last week was amazing with so many people from all over the world! It was very inspiring for me to see so many "different" people coming together for a similar cause, with similar suffering. You are really special in bringing people together.

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We are conditioned to think of all the world as football (hooray for our team!) because it sells beer, hamburgers on TV. pickup trucks on television. Therefore it never occurs to our rulers to seek justice for both Palestinians and Israelis. Violence would end if Palestinian refugees could return to their families’ homes if they so chose, with monetary compensation to those who chose not to return and to the Israelis who would would be displaced by the returning natives. Unfortunately, our rulers and their media oppose justice because it would not enrich the military-industrial complex.

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The vast majority of us everywhere simply want a peaceful productive life.

"causes and conditions that lead to conflict" - so much of it in today's world is CREATED - one need not dig very deep to realize this conflict (like so many others) has been orchestrated to inspire us to 'pick a side' and it always works! - DIVIDE and CONQUER has never been so easy!!! To wit:

"Most solution proposals for government, ecology, economy, equality, energy, infrastructure, society, etc., though conceptually viable, require an inherently IMPOSSIBLE consensus. Current world policy appears to be fueled by a wealthy, powerful, and unaccountable Ignorati who exhibit no awareness whatsoever of how life on Earth actually succeeds. ‘What could go wrong?’ Our predicament is unprecedented. Any successful solution that matches our plight in magnitude must surely lie beyond what is currently tangible." - Whole World


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