Dear Friends,
At Google's HQ, I am told they came up with an interesting experiment: put healthy snacks at eye level, and make a person kneel down or reach high for unhealthy food.
The unhealthy food is still there … it’s just harder to get.
The results: people ate much healthier snacks, without anyone ever telling them to do so. They just made it easier to grab them.
I sense there is a lesson for all of us here.
We are creatures of habit, and if we wake up and right next to us is our phone, that encourages one habit … and if we wake up and next to us is a yoga mat, that encourages another habit.
Nobody generally forces us to look our phone first thing in the morning, but when it is right there next to us, it silently beckons, “I have important updates for you, want to see them?” It can be very hard to resist.
Physical spaces make invitations.
If there is a 60-inch TV screen in a room, it is clear what the invitation is. The TV screams, “I am here and I am VERY important!”
Physical Space
If we each look around at our physical space, what are we being invited to?
And what happens when we sleep with our phone in another room and a yoga mat or a book next to our bed?
How does our day unfold?
In a world of constant distractions, and screens that beckon our attention, our physical space invites us into a way of life.
Children living in homes where there are screens everywhere (laptops, desktops, phones, iPads, TVs) live more of their life on screens. They are being continually invited to engage that way.
Today look around your physical space and ask what are the items around you inviting you to … and does this align with what matters to you? If not, what changes may want to be made?
We are continually getting non-verbal invitations, and it only makes sense to see if those align with our values.
Wisdom 2.0 Events …
Wisdom & AI Summit October 29th & 30th (See New Speakers) »»»
AI is coming fast! We will gather to explore how AI can be harnessed with wisdom, mindfulness, and compassion. Apply for your Early Bird ticket by the end of the month.
September Month-Long: The Dance of Connection »»»
We will focus this month on deepening the range of relationships in our lives, from adult/child, to siblings, to friends. By donation.
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