Dear Friends,
I have been thinking recently about the difference between what is ACQUIRED and what is INHERENT.
We can acquire land, homes, reputations, power, and much more.
And those who acquire the most are often the most revered … “look how much THAT PERSON HAS!”
Yet they also may be miserable ... because there is another dimension.
While there may be some benefit to acquiring land or a home to pass to one’s children, for example, there is something far more important … and that is what is INHERENT.
The land or money one is able to pass to children, for example, may actually help them or may also lead to infighting and lawsuits that break up the family.
Or to a life of meaninglessness and laziness as the children live off the resources given to them.
What we thought was the medicine can become the poison.
“If I can just give them this, they will be happy,” we think.
Yet there is another dimension, the inner dimension.
The inherent, on the other hand, exists equally in the poorest person and the wealthiest person. It can never be lost or added to … nothing we do gives us more or less of it.
It’s the fabric.
As you read this, your mind might be thinking, “Hold it, what is the inherent exactly?”
But there is likely another voice that says, “Oh right, the inherent, I know that.”
It is an innate sense in each one of us, the thread that weaves through everything … “the Force” in Star Wars language.
Yet in our world we can so easily forget and start to believe that only what we acquire matters.
Imagine coming to the end of a life and as you say good-bye to everything you acquired … you suddenly realize you know almost nothing about the inherent?
The inner dimension was largely avoided.
Yet the inner is where the real game is played out.
Of course, there can be a certain joy in acquiring things, such as a house, but whether we live miserably or happily in that house … that is determined by something else.
So as you make your way today in whatever work you have, and acquire whatever makes sense in your life, may you also remember that which is inherent … which you can always access, but never acquire.
Our mind may not “understand” or grasp it, but our heart knows.
May we all live from that which is inherent.
Thank you for being a part of the Wisdom 2.0 Community.
Upcoming events are below, including a live session with Dr. David Sinclair and an Analog Summer Retreat.
Founder, Wisdom 2.0
Harvard’s Dr David Sinclair joins us for our final live session in our Mindfulness, Well-being, and Longevity Series. You can still join and get access to previous sessions.
Dr. Sinclair will join us live Friday, June 30th at 10am PDT to talk about the latest research in diet, time restricted eating, and much more! BY DONATION!
Analog Retreat (In Person)
We would love to see everyone at our Analog Retreat to connect with one another, nature, and ourselves. It will be held in northern California August 4th - 6th, and a chance for our community to connect.
Digital Reset (Online)
July will be our month to focus on a right relationship with technology, and what it means to live mindfully in a time of immersive tech.
"inherent" sounds quite a lot like "Intuitive Intelligence" as discussed here, no?:
"We shall successfully transmute egocentricity with the evocation of Intuitive Intelligence – defined for our purposes here as: “what comes to mind” – as opposed to deliberation, deduction, and analysis utilizing our brains. ‘What comes to mind’ as Intuitive Intelligence, transcends egocentric analysis, is neither our own expression nor creation. History is replete with accounts of scientists, philosophers, and artists whose ‘I found it’ moments ostensibly emanated from Intuitive Intelligence ‘downloads’. When we successfully RECEIVE Intuitive Intelligence without any filtration whatsoever by our egocentric preconceptions, Intuitive Intelligence is arguably 100% accurate or appropriate, and available to guide us to the best possible outcome whenever we ALLOW it to do so.
Intuitive Intelligence is the living loving ‘Whole’ communicating – to us, its living elements.
Human evolution, as envisioned here, shall be achieved in part by facilitating the integration of Intuitive Intelligence into our beings such that a substantial, if not majority, of our activity is directed more by Intuitive Intelligence than by egocentric deliberation. In the new paradigm, Intuitive Intelligence shall habitually “come to mind” both individually and collectively to inform and influence resonant action. The more we allow the ‘Whole’ to guide us, through its always available voice of Intuitive Intelligence replacing egocentricity, the more quickly we evolve."