Dear Friends,
In the past at the end of the year, I would often ask, “What did I accomplish this year?”
Of course, there are more important questions, such as: “How was the quality of my life this year?”
In some ways, there are two dimensions of life.
In the FIRST DIMENSION, the present moment is all there is … this moment right now is the only moment we have.
We may have thoughts about the past or future, but NOW is the only accessible moment.
To me, this is pretty hard to argue with: The only moment is the present moment.
The SECOND DIMENSION, if you can call it that, focuses on our purpose, or what Jon Kabat-Zinn sometimes refers to as our “karmic assignment.”
Most of us did not take birth only to sit and observe life. There is movement in us that wants expression.
We hear an internal YES when we move in one direction, and an internal NO in another direction.
Something guides us!
And this guidance is not the domain of the mind.
It is not, “What can I create?” or “What can I do to show my worth” or “What makes me the most money?”
This dimension asks:
“What does life want to do THROUGH me?”
It is more of an assignment than a preference.
There is a deeper force moving us. We will be exploring this more in The Heart’s Path, but we all have that inner compass.
The dance of life, as best I can tell, is to walk in these two different but very related dimensions.
So as we approach a New Year, where resolutions are often made, I find myself saying:
“May I do my best to be present for each moment, and may I also listen to what life is asking of me.”
At least for me, that about covers it!
I hope to see you at an in person or online event soon.
Wishing you a happy new year.
May we all listen.
May we all see what is here right now.
And may we all act in ways that are aligned with our heart and vision.
Our January month-long is the POWER OF PRESENCE (By Donation).
THE HEART’S PATH is our 10-Month Online Series focused on finding and following what is most alive in us.
Intro Call. Join us for an intro call at 10am PST January 9th. Register HERE »»»
WISDOM 2.0 2024
WISDOM 2.0 2024 is our 15th year celebration exploring wisdom and technology! Please join us.