Dear Friends,
Recently my partner asked me while we were out on a date, “Did you check your email when you went to the bathroom?”
I usually do not check my email when we are together, but she was right, I had.
I had justified it to myself as, “Well, I am not really in her presence while in the bathroom, and it does not take me more time away from her, and maybe something really important just came via email …”
It turns out it matters a lot … she could feel the difference.
Of course, it is easy to notice when we are with someone in person, and they check their email or social media right in front of us.
The feeling of connection often instantly changes. “The field” we share is impacted.
Of course, there are times we need to check our phones when we are with others. There are calls we need to take or text messages we need to reply to right away. That is true.
But what is also true is we tend to do this WAY more than we need!
And the question is, “Is there something that truly needs our attention and requires us to look at our phone … or are we just running on habit?”
It may often be the latter. We are just seeking a dopamine hit.
I think it is important to realize: It is not about the time it takes!
We cannot say, “It only takes me 10 seconds to check, now I am back.”
All of a sudden we are processing new information that was not in our brain a few minutes ago, and that can be felt. It has an impact more than those 10 seconds.
Notice today … when you choose to look at your phone when you are with others and the impact that has. How often is it habit and how often is it actually needed?
If presence matters to us, how are we showing up for ourselves and others?
Also our donation-based digital reset starts this month for those who want to explore this more.
Founder, Wisdom 2.0
Join us this month to explore practices that enhance presence in relationship to technology.
We are one month away … and love to see you there! This is a time to be together with ourselves, one another, and nature.
This post was the impetus for a remarkable communication with a significant person and a way of broaching a subject I hadn't thought I'd ever manage. Deeply appreciate it.