“I am trying to make it 7 minutes,” a guy said at a recent dinner, as we talked about morning rituals.
“7 minutes to what?” you may ask.
7 minutes until he looks at his phone in the morning after waking up.
Now, who is forcing him to look at his phone right when he wakes up?
The Pressure
There is a new pressure today … instead of, “You cannot,” many of us live with, “You can!”
People give us examples like, “Julie started a podcast, wrote a book, got 100k followers on Instagram, AND she works full-time. You can too!”
The myth is: the more you do, the better you are! Resting is not allowed.
But what if the pressure of “you can” is just as limiting as “you cannot?”
What if they are both stories that take us away from our natural inclinations?
“We live at the pace of machines,” said writer Pico Iyer at Wisdom 2.0 some years ago “and that is a very hard pace in which to live.”
Machines do not need to rest.
The story “You can! You must produce!” is a recipe for burnout.
There is a deeper place from which we can live not dictated by machines or devices, but from an inner listening and tuning.
Today, may you listen to the inner cycles of your body and heart as you make your way in the world, trusting there is an inner intelligence that can guide you.
And this intelligence knows when you need to rest, to stop, to go for a walk, to just be. Our job is to listen.
Hope to see you at a virtual or in-person event soon including The School of Following Life, Wisdom and AI, and The Journey of Money … see below.
School of Following Life — Applications Open
In person in the Bay Area with me, limited to 25 people. Learn More >>>
Wisdom & A Summit October 29th - 30th
This month in San Francisco. Please join us! Learn More >>>
The Journey of Money — Starts Soon
Starts next week. By donation! Online. Reserve Your Spot >>>
Thanks for this reminder, Soren. In my work I see so much burnout in the name of achievement. I'm convinced that hustle culture is an adventure in missing the point. Keep dropping nuggets like this. Your work truly matters.